Heavy Duty Walking Beam
S HB WB 001
Suspension Specification
2 x 15000Kg load at 105Kph
11 Leaf 120mm wide leaves
Spring centres 840mm
Laden Height 570mm/Unladen height 625mm
Axle Specification
420×220 brake 140mm square axle beam
TUV axles with rear self steer axle
Track 1860mm Hubface to Hubface
10 Stud M22 280mm Spigot 335 PCD
Shown with Type 30 chambers
Hydraulic Suspension
Hydro-Pneumatic Suspension is supplied with a control system to allow the suspension setup to maintain a constant ride height regardless of the vehicle load. This setup is advantageous to vehicles with a high center of gravity and agricultural vehicles working on rough ground. The hydraulic suspension also has double acting hydraulic rams which also the axle to be raised which improves turning and manoeuvrability when unladen.
Future improvements include the development of slope control for vehicles continuously working on inclined terrain.
The Hydraulic suspension kit includes :
Hanger brackets
Spring and clamp group
Hydraulic rams
Control system